

Social Media

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Youtube are indispensable marketing tools in today’s multi-screen world.


Social Media Marketing

is more than just having the obligatory Facebook page, Instagram, LinkedIn, twitter and/ or Youtube account.

It's about finding the right network for your brand.
It´s about creating emotion and enggement with your audience.
It´s about converting the interest in real bookings.

Eyes2market applies simple and effective techniques:

  1. Audit: Monitoring and identifying the most relevant social media for you
  2. Engage: Defining messaging, generating content and then outreaching to channels that make sense to your tourism product.
  3. Measure: evaluating social media interaction.

Eyes2market's social media campaigns include:

  • Influencer Marketing
  • Content creation and storytelling
  • Facebook campaigns
  • Insta-Stories
  • Organic- and paid social media activation

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